On August 1, 2014
Contract Guardian Plans Exhibition in Indianapolis, IN
Cincinnati, OH - August 1, 2014 - Contract Guardian, a leading solution for managing company contracts, commitments, and compliance announced that its plans to attend the HCCA North Central Regional Conference in Indianapolis, IN on October 6th, 2014. The event will be held at the Indianapolis Marriott North.
Topics being covered during this regional conference include: ICD-10, Meaningful Use, Auditing and Monitoring Appropriate Access by Workforce Members, Stark/Anti-kickback, Cloning and Correction of Medical Records and Conducting a Compliance Audit / Review.
"We are always excited to both attend and sponsor the great HCCA events," said, John Reuter, Director of Implementation Services of Contract Guardian"
About Contract Guardian CG has clients in 43 States and 9 Countries. Our Contract Guardian contract management software has been a key part of our overall success. Hospitals and healthcare were the first clients to leverage this powerful product and then it spread to other industries.
For more information, please contact us.