Contract Guardian Releases Configurable Dashboard

On April 12, 2016

Contract Guardian releases a fully configurable contract management dashboard.

Cincinnati, OH - April 12, 2016

"Contract Guardian offers transparency and control over the information associated with your contracts by delivering a fully configurable and personalized dashboard.  Each user can configure exactly what they wish to see.   The dashboard dynamically adjust data presentation based on selection and security profile."

Thom Davidson, Director of Sales and Marketing of Contract Guardian.

Examples of Contract Dashboard Components and Options:

  • Coverflow Component - this is an animated, three-dimensional graphical user interface that represents each users personal contract related tasks, documents requiring attention and workflow approval steps. Provides intuitive, graphical workflow designer to build contract review, approval and other process workflows
  • Calendar View - tasks and workflow items completed and pending
  • Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, Gauges and other visualizations of your contracts - Additional contract management visualization tools are available...just ask
  • Numerous Views of Contract Data in Grid Format - sorting and filtering included.
  • Select desired components - Accessing the dashboard configuration and the user can turn on/off various components and move them into the desired location.

Learn more about Contract Dashboard.

Healthcare contract management dashboard

Hosted Contract Management Tasks on Dashboard

About Contract Guardian CG has clients in 43 States and 9 Countries. Our Contract Guardian contract management software has been a key part of our overall success. Hospitals and healthcare were the first clients to leverage this powerful product and then it spread to other industries.

For more information, please contact us.