Expanded Contract Version Control and Selective Attachment Delivery

On September 20,  2017

Version Control and Attachment Delivery Enhancements

Cincinnati, OH - September 20, 2017

Healthcare Contract ManagementVersion Control is a system that records changes to every attachment in the system so that one can recall specific versions later.  A good example is to perform red-line comparisons of different versions of a document. The enhancement delivers immediate visibility to the person that posted the version of the attachment. Contract Guardian has always tracked it and placed it in the journal.  Now, it becomes more intuitive.

Attachment Delivery was previously made available for the convenience of sending the Contract and all supporting documents (attachments). There are some obvious risks built into the automatic selection of all attachments.  The enhancement allows the user to select the specific attachments they wish to share with the recipient.  A side benefit is the reduction of the size of file being sent. Example: Perhaps you wish to share everything but internal correspondence documents and competitive pricing information with the receiver.

Both of these enhancements will be rolled-out over the next 30 days.

"The changes discussed above are ideas suggested by our clients.   Don't hesitate to make suggestions.   We incorporate these directly into our contract management research and development list. Contract Guardian has delivered over 200 enhancements for each of the last four (4) years. "
said Thom Davidson.

About Contract Guardian CG has clients in 43 States and 9 Countries. Our Contract Guardian contract management software has been a key part of our overall success. Hospitals and healthcare were the first clients to leverage this powerful product and then it spread to other industries.

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