Non-Profit Acute Care Hospital Goes Live with Contract Guardian

On July 15, 2014

California Based Hospital to Deploy Gold Cloud Edition of Contract Guardian

Cincinnati, OH - July 15, 2014 - Contract Guardian, a leading solution for managing company contracts, commitments, and compliance announced that a leading non-profit acute care hospital in California has gone live with Contract Guardian the 'Intuitive Contract Management' solution, to effectively manage contracts, improve visibility, manage access, and evaluate performance.

The hospital is leveraging Contract Guardian to simplify and update all aspects of healthcare contract management and compliance within their organization. The hospital will utilize the Cloud Based version of Contract Guardian over the web, thus requiring no capital expenditure. All aspects of a hospital's contract management lifecycle, including contract creation, monitoring of key milestones, and compliance can be managed via a computer or any popular mobile device. Contract Guardian offers Contract Data Conversion as part of the overall service offering for organizations migrating from their existing solution.

"We are pleased to welcome another healthcare provider to the Contract Guardian family. We look forward to a strong relationship for years to come. "

John Reuter, Director of Implementation Services of Contract Guardian

About Contract Guardian CG has clients in 43 States and 9 Countries. Our Contract Guardian contract management software has been a key part of our overall success. Hospitals and healthcare were the first clients to leverage this powerful product and then it spread to other industries.

For more information, please contact us.