Our team provides you a complete inventory of standards to get you started quickly. Once you signup for our Contract Management System, you have a complete team poised to support you at every stage.
Software companies often use the expression configuration and customization undifferentiated. This can be misleading to the non-technical person making a software decision. Contract Guardian views the terms differently. When we describe Contract Guardian as being highly configurable, we mean that your organizations can configure Contract Guardian to address your unique needs and business requirements at numerous levels without the need for custom development.
Contract Types | Contract Status Levels |
Party Types | Contract Attachment Types |
Fields | Default and Selectable Values for Fields |
Field Sets | Security for Field Sets and Fields |
Contract Task Types | Custom Fields |
Dashboard Options | Dashboard Personalized Layout |
Standard Documents | Logo Personalization |
Contract Email Alerts | System Notifications |
Workflow Routes | Workflow Step Templates |
Contract Permission Roles | Groups |
Organizations | Departments |
Autoreviewer Phrases | Reports |
DocuSign Integration | Contract Rapid Scan |
Policy Management | Vendor Management |
Core Field Definitions | Generator Templates |
Risk Engine Phrases | Cash Projections |
"Since configuration and customizations are typically collaborative, we also offer a full range of consulting, development and customization services to our customers. Our healthcare contract management clients often have special needs as it relates to workflow, defining contract types and the creation of custom fields"