Contract Guardian is integrated with our partner DocuSign's Electronic Signature

Contract Guardian Electronic Signature with DocuSign

User Requirements

In each user's record in Contract Guardian is a property that can be marked to allow this user to be an initiator/sender of documents to DocuSign. The email address is registered as a DocuSign user and is entered into Contract Guardian as shown below. If the checkbox is on, this user is a document initiator at DocuSign. This user will receive a normal DocuSign user interface and will have access to features that are only available to normal registered DocuSign users. Otherwise, they will receive a guest Docusign user interface when signing documents.

Request Contract Signature

Request Contract Signature

Send documents to others so they can eSign your documents anytime on any device, or in person on your device. Simply click the request signature button in Contract Guardian for the desired attachment. A request means sending one DocuSign envelope. A DocuSign envelope can include one or more documents, any number of recipients, and any number of Sign Here and other recipient actions available to your DocuSign edition.

Contract Managment Software Electronic Signature

Sign Documents

Sign and return documents you receive from others. Again, Contract Guardian will guide your through the steps of selecting the document and uploading it to DocuSign, sign it, add text or check boxes. You will be notified during the entire cycle and upon completion. When it is complete, Contract Guardian loads the signed contract into the Contract Guardian repository.

Contract Managment Software Electronic Signature

Manage Process from Contract Guardian

You will be notified upon completion and your signed agreement will appear in your document folder for the agreement. You can then manage, view or download the document as well.

 Legality of Electronic Signature

 DocuSign – Contract Guardian