Powerful and Intuitive Searching and Reporting across entire Contract Management System

Search and report on contracts

"Tired of digging through file cabinets and emailing different departments to get the contract information you need? Using Contract Guardian, you can find it in seconds with just a few keystrokes."

Contract Guardian Service Team


Simply enter a keyword or phrase in the search box and Contract Guardian will prepare the items that match your criteria. Every search that has a match on the content will identified and highlighted in yellow. If it has multiple matches, all will be shown.

Contract Management Software Search

Contract search options include:

  • Terms Search terms without double quotes will be treated as single terms.
    Example: Search Terms;  This will be treated as "Search" "Terms" and both words will be found.
  • Fields You can search any field by typing the field name followed by a colon ":" and the term you are searching.
    Example: title:"Search Terms"; This will search for something with the title of "Search Terms".
  • Boolean Operators OR is the default operator. It retrieves documents where at least one of the search terms is correct.
    Example: "test" OR "search";  which is also the same as "test" "search" This will return any document that has the word test or the word search in it. AND matches documents where both terms exist in the document. Ex: "test" AND "search" This will return any document that has the words test and search in it.

One-Step Filtering

Contract Management Report FiltringEvery field displayed in a grid provides automatic filtering options. For those who want to go beyond one-step filtering that is provided in Contract Guardian, the Contract Filter Control delivers a customizable dialog that allows contract administrators to build filter criteria of any complexity with a simple yet elegant interface that puts the entire power of the filtering sub-system at your fingertips. Through a simple process of selecting column(s) to filter against, an operator for the filter and one or more values to apply to the filter against that column, you will be able to create even the most sophisticated of filters with ease.


Contract Guardian enables you to construct a report using criteria from any field in the system. Contract Guardian searches the full text of all documents in the system.

Reporting Features:

    • One-step and advanced filtering on all data fields - dynamically changes based on field type and allowable options
    • Page size selection - drop down selector to show 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 or 500 contract items per page
    • Drag and Drop Layout - see the information in the layout that works best for you. Save it for future use
    • Export of data to Excel (CSV) and PDF format
    • Email Report - Simply click on the icon and you can email the complete contract management report
    • Name and save your reports for future execution
    • Create private and public reports. Public reports are shared with the users you designate. Private reports are for your eyes only.