Selected Blog Posts for Contract Management Software

Healthcare Contract Management Blog

 Why selected blog posts?  The Internet provides almost unlimited ways to search, view, watch, read and experience content.  The Social Media team thought that we should share our contract management blog posts directly on our web site in a PDF format.  So, we selected our favorites and here they are for your reference. The Contract Guardian Blog is always available as well.

  • Contract Management Software - After the Email Alerts (February, 2014)  Contract Guardian features a simple and elegant feature for Email Alerts. Contract Guardian monitors emails to check if emails are bouncing and if emails are opened and links clicked. The average Contract Management Software does not include these features. They typically describe their Email alerts with a description similar to the following: Receive timely email alerts of expiry dates and any other contract deliverable deadlines. Adding workflows to your system will then automatically inform the user of the next step in the process. Include digital signatures to your contract workflow and you have a very through cycle. Unfortunately, there are still several holes in the previous process where the information falls through without important monitoring.  Download
  • Contract Management - Choosing the Right Tool for the Job (January, 2014) Often people feel the best tool is the one they know. That being said, it is not surprising that when it comes to Contract Management you see a number of tools being used that just don't really match the needs of a true contract management system. Some examples include: File Cabinets, Excel Spreadsheet, CRM Systems, SharePoint, etc. To paraphrase Abraham Maslow, "If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.  Download
  • Contract Guardian Search Receives Inter-Face Lift (December, 2013) The Inter-Face Lift (excuse the pun) change is in the delivery of the results. The contract management search module in Contract Guardian now delivers the most effective results in addition to its reputation for arguably the best and certainly fastest search engine in the contract management industry.  Download
  • Search, Filter and Report on any Contract and Contract Attachment (November, 2013) Learn about the extensive search capabilities delivered in this Contract Management System. The filtering options and reporting against your contract repository is second to none in the industry. All of the contract management grids and reporting provide export to Excel and PDF. These features are of particular value in Healthcare, Technology, Legal, Finance and Government.  Download
  • Consolidate Email Notification in Contract Management for Executives (November, 2013) Most users receive a specific email that is related to each contract. However, executives often wish to receive one consolidated email. This is easily provided in Contract Guardian by performing the following in the Contract Management Email Notification System  Download
  • Contract Guardian Expands the Custom Field Types (August, 2013) We are proud to announce the addition of some new types of user defined fields. The contract management system has the following user defined types of fields for any contract type.  Download
  • Control Access to your Contracts (July, 2013)  Generally speaking, almost everyone realizes that they need to automate the management of their contracts! However, a number of questions often occur.  Download
  • Configuring a Contract Management System (July, 2013)  Modern Contract Management Solutions typically allow you the user to perform numerous configurations to address your needs. This is certainly the case with Contract Guardian.  Download
  • Contract Management Dashboards Provides Snapshot of Contract Activity (May, 2013)  he contract management dashboard is unique for every user and is based on their user profile.  Download