Send, sign and approve documents from wherever life takes you.
DocuSign is the proven market leader in on-demand electronic signature, digital Signature and eSign solutions. No matter how you measure leadership, thousands of satisfied customers, millions of productive users, millions of transactions, innovative product capabilities, enterprise-class support or 99.8% uptime and reliability.
Sign your contracts with Contract Guardian from anywhere, anytime and any device.
UCG's Enterprise Cloud Backup & DR centralizes the backup and recovery of data on all servers throughout the enterprise—headquarters, as well as remote and branch office (ROBO) locations. Agents automatically back up your data over a secure and encrypted internet connection to UCG's secure data centers. You are able to monitor and manage everything within a web browser. Recovery is just as easy: When you need to restore, simply navigate to the recovery point via an intuitive interface, and then click. throughout the entire backup and recovery process, FIPS-approved 256-bit AES encryption keeps your data secure.
Contract Management Backup and Disaster RecoveryPeak 10 - Their people have a foundation and expertise in IT infrastructure and data centers. This means our client's get proactive and empowered professionals, at every level, focused on the delivery of the world's best contract management system. The teams delivers the enterprise-level solutions of a national data center with the trust, attention and focus of a local business partner. No red tape, fast approvals and local decisions mean you get 24/7/365 problem solving and support.
Contract Management Data CenterMicrosoft - Contract Guardian has developed a strong relationship with the Microsoft Corporation. Our customers and business partners view Microsoft technology as a key component of our solutions. Our customers and business partners view Microsoft technology as a key component of our solutions. Our Contract Management System leverages numerous Microsoft technologies including Microsoft SQL Server, C# programming language, ASP.NET Razor and IIS web server.
Development Tools